Kelly Crossroads Low Pressure Sewer System
March 18, 2022The Problem:
Kelly Crossroads is a village in central Pennsylvania near the Borough of Lewisburg. The village had failing septic systems due to system age, soils, and topography. The township needed a solution for these homes that would protect the homeowners and the environment.
The Solution:
The engineer of record, HRG, designed an alternative solution. The design required a pump system at each residence to collect and grind the residential sewage to be conveyed through a system of small diameter low pressure sewer main to a packaged waste water treatment plant.
The system consisted of 49 Zoeller Engineered Products Model 7021 2 HP progressive cavity grinder pumps lift-stations. The pumps were mounted on Z Rail® systems with stainless guide rails. Facilitation of the pump is performed by removing or lowering into the basin, sliding easily down or up the guide rails to the base elbow. This design for accessing the pump does not require pump disassembly and is self-aligning. No tools required.
System Operation:
The pump discharges through PVC Schedule 80 piping within the basin, using non corrosive check, anti-syphon, and ball valves. The discharge goes through the basin and into the HDPE force main below the frost line. LPS systems are generally full of waste water so freezing is a concern. [The force main is located in the street and the pumps are connected via laterals from each home’s grinder pump station].
Curb-stops are supplied at the property edge to allow for a redundant check valve and a shut-off valve to isolate the grinder pump from the force-main to enable service if a valve fails.
49 systems were delivered, installed, and started up. Homeowners contracted the installation out while the municipality purchased the systems and provided them to the homeowners. The homeowners, contractors, and municipal operators were involved with a factory-led training session prior to shipment of systems, so all involved had some hands-on knowledge of the systems.
All systems were delivered and installed on time.
Zoeller Engineered Products works hand in hand with local contractors and engineers to solve the issues of the community sewer systems. Have an issue that needs assistance? Give us a chance to solve the problem. 1-800-928-Pump (7867).